Our Savior
Lutheran --
where God is
seen, love is felt;
lives are changed.
The Property Committee: sees to the proper maintenance and protection of all property and furnishings of the
congregation, interior and exterior.
Buildings and Grounds: This committee shall survey the buildings and grounds on a regular basis and report any
repair or upkeep needed. The buildings and yard need to be as neat and beautiful as the inside of the church.
At present, we have an outside company doing the yard work.
Work days: are held several times a year for volunteers to help clean up or tackle projects. Anyone who
would like to volunteer to wash windows or pull a few weeds or anything else you care to handle is more than
Furnishings: This committee is responsible for establishing and maintaining an accurate inventory of equipment
and making recommendations to the Property Committee for purchasing, replacement and additions.
Decorations: The responsibility of this committee is to decorate inside and outside the church property for
church seasons and special events which require coordinating with other committees and council persons for information
on upcoming events.
Volunteers for all of these areas are always needed and welcome.
Future Home 1964
Sanctuary & Tower
Celebrating 60 years!
May 31, 1948-May 31, 2008