Our Savior Lutheran Church
Stewardship and Finance

Our Savior
Lutheran --
where God is
seen, love is felt;
lives are changed.

"But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability
to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant,
which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today."

Deuteronomy 8:18

Stewardship is responsible for the stewardship of commitment and resources of the congregation.   Year round stewardship emphasis concerning the use of our time, talent, and treasure is necessary.   Consistent communication with the congregation through the newsletter, bulletins, letters, etc., is essential.

Stewardship Drive The purpose of the stewardship drive is to promote general knowledge among our members and to keep the people aware of our Christian vocation.   This committee is responsible for keeping the congregation informed on a regular basis about the financial position of the church.

Finance Committee This committee is responsible for audits and reviews for financial and operational activities including the budgetary process and guidance of financial activities and commitments.   The committee submits a draft budgetary plan to the council for action and later presentation to the congregation.

each member belongs to all the others."  Romans 12:5

Sharing our time and talents in worship, in Christian education,
in missions and outreach, in fellowship and activities,
in new opportunities to serve.

Like the branches of a tree, we are church family.
Together we:
...make possible worship services and all ministries of the church.
...provide for the maintenance and care of God's house.
...spread the good news of God's love and forgiveness.
...teach the principles and love of Christ to our youth.
...share fellowship and inspiration with all who attend.

Worship with us every Sunday....   Living Stewardship 2005