Our Savior
Lutheran --
where God is
seen, love is felt;
lives are changed. |
The Learning Committee provides the education for congregation we serve. Classes may be lecture, video, bible, workbook, or discussion. Our curriculums are as varied as the based. While some classes do require preparation and feedback, most only ask members to join in as they feel comfortable. In any circumstance, teachers and students are always learning together, and we have found that discussion is usually the and it doesn't take long to feel you are among old and dear friends.
This committee oversees many aspects of Christian growth for OSLC. We review, plan and coordinate the adult Sunday school program, striving to meet the education and Christian growth needs of this congregation. We help plan holiday and summer programs and special events, such as Rally Day and Vacation Bible School. We coordinate with the pastoral staff to schedule weekday and evening courses that tend to be more in-depth and require extended bible study. Also, we may schedule special events that we feel will be of value to our congregation. The Learning Committee usually meets on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm in the Friendship Room. Check the calendar.
This committee also manages the adult library.
We need volunteers with a passion for biblically-based Christian education willing to serve the needs of the people. Besides committee work, we need classroom facilitators and new ideas for programs and special events.
Sunday school classes are at 9:45 a.m. during the regular school year
Nursery: The nursery is available during the education hour and the late service for children up to 4 years old. It is located in the office building. Crayons & coloring books are in the entrance area (Narthex) for younger children to use during worship. A changing table is in the woman's bathroom next to the Sanctuary.
New Member Classes are offered as needed.
Portals of Prayer: These little books of daily devotions are available in the office and Narthex for those who would like them.
Youth Education
Sunday School Superintendent: This person enhances the Sunday school program, coordinating the teachers, their curriculum, and the needed supplies for the classes. Bible Experience.
Sunday School Teachers: Fulfilling the promises made at baptism is an important responsibility of the Sunday school teachers as well as all believers. Teachers as well as substitute teachers are needed to teach preschool, elementary, middle school, high school and adult classes. If you have a special interest or gift to share God's Word with others, then you need to get involved. Consider team teaching with another person.
Vacation Bible School: During the summer, VBS is offered. Many volunteers are needed to make this successful each year. Positions to be filled are teachers, assistants, music, meal or snack providers, crafts directors, and possibly field trip supervisors and drivers.
Middle School and High School Youth: L.O.S.T. (Lutherans out seeking truth): all through the year. Check the calendar.
Camps Our congregation supports Cross Trails Ministry in many ways. Our Confirmation Class attends a special Confirmation Camp at either Camp Chrysalis or Ebert Ranch Camp and other youth within our congregation are encouraged to participate in camping programs appropriate to age and interest. Cross Trails Expeditions (trips "with a purpose") have also been supported and enjoyed by members of our congregation. For information about any of these camping experiences, please contact the church office and/or visit the Cross Trails website at www.crosstrails.org.
ELCA National Youth Gathering for high school-age youth takes place every three years and is about faith formation, worship, study, fellowship, service and play. It is an opportunity for youth to engage in worship and fellowship with peers from across the United States and the world who share a common commitment and faith in Christ. The last one was in July 2024 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The next Youth Gathering will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 2027. (https://www.elca.org/YAGathering)
For additional information on any of our programs, please contact the church office.