Our Savior Lutheran Church
Worship With Us

Our Savior
Lutheran --
where God is
seen, love is felt;
lives are changed.

The Worship and Music Committee is to (1) lead the congregation to a more effective worship of the Lord by planning worship service, seasonal services (Advent, Easter, Lent, etc) and to bring creative ideas to the worship experience, and (2) oversee the music program of the church in order to improve, enlarge and administer all areas of music ministry to the glory of God.   This committee coordinates with the Pastor for unity in the worship services.   They are responsible for all activities relative to music and worship, including lectors, acolytes, ushers, communion assistants, and communion set up and clean up.

Altar Guild cares for the altar area and the furnishings, including the altar, communion ware, paraments, vestments and linens.   They are responsible for communion set up and clean up, purchasing wine and bread, advising the office when supplies are low, changing paraments, laundering and upkeep of communion linens.

Banners serve to remind us of the season or occasion with their colors and designs.   This committee is responsible for banners including maintenance and construction of new banners and changing banners as the seasons dictate.

Communion Assistants offer the cup of wine to those who come to the altar for Holy Communion with Christ.   It is a moving experience to share at the Lord's table in this capacity.

Lectors reads the lesson.   The Word of God in Holy Scripture has always been a major element of Christian worship.

Ushers make the worship experience a favorable one for all worshipers.

Sound and Projection System Operators make sure we all hear and see everything.   Learn the sound control panel, cameras and power point presentation, all or part.

Volunteers are needed in all of these areas.   Tutorials are available!

Music Opportunities

Choir sings almost every week during services and at special events.   The choir meets every Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm for rehearsal from December through March.

Hand Bell Choir We rehearse Mondays at 6:30 p.m., under the direction of Connie Laumann, during the winter season.

Praise Team sings and plays at the Contemporary Service at 11:00 am.   Voices and instrument players are welcome!   We rehearse at 7:30 pm on Wednesdays, except during the summer.   Play an instrument?  Join us.

Instrumental Music enhances our worship experience.   If you are interested in a performance of special music, contact the Director of Music.

Annual Polka Worship Services are held each January on the last Sunday of the month in the Living Faith Center.   Come and sing Christian lyrics to the familiar tunes.

Come now and worship,
Come now and worship the Lord!
(Sung to the tune of Beer Barrel Polka)